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MGN: Final Thoughts On The Venue

After four days in Frisco, we can have a final impression. This was written for MGN but it applies generally across the league.

Final Thoughts On Frisco, Ford Center at Star, and the CUSA Tournament

The Ford Center at Frisco is not an ideal basketball venue, but no ideal basketball venue is ideal for the menโ€™s and womenโ€™s conference tournament. Couched in the public relations speak from the conference leadership is the fact that the league needed something that would draw attention, but also make it easier to run a conference tournament.


  1. bigdunks bigdunks March 12, 2018

    Playing 2 men’s and 2 women’s games at the same time makes NO SENSE. The tickets were not half price and you could only watch one-half of the games. The end zone seats look terrible on the picture. There is no way I would have picked the end zone seats.
    Some fans have to travel over 1000 miles and to watch half of the games? I am a season ticket holder in C-USA. The idea to run our conference tournament in a one bid league is really unfair to the fans of these schools. The C-USA commissioner should be ashamed.

    • Adam Martinez Adam Martinez Post author | March 12, 2018

      I can understand the frustration of not getting every minute of every single game. The tradeoff of being able to see two good ones with the possibility of switching over if the other was bad, was nice .

      Games started at 6, 6:30 then 8:30, 9. In practice you could watch the first half of the early game, switch over to catch the last 10 minutes of the next half.

      As far as end zone seats are concerned — I assume you mean the permanent football seats. Those were fine. The MGN post repeatedly stated that you should not trust the pictures. Many people took in games from those areas and came away satisfied.

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