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Morning Report: 11.13.20

Tom D’Angelo of the Palm Beach Post:

Every time a game is canceled or postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic, itโ€™s serious. That means multiple players and/or coaches have tested positive and their health could be in jeopardy.

UTSA Alumni group started a Larry Coker endowment.

Brett Vito of the Denton RC:

UNT has now had five games either canceled or postponed, matching the number of games it has played. School officials knew heading into the week they had no wiggle room left to reschedule games.

Former ODU end Tim Ward is on the Chiefs 53-man roster.

Cory Diaz of the News Star:

This week, the Bulldogs called off their home game versus Rice as one position within the team “was too thin” to safely play the game due to the combination of COVID-19ย issues and injuries, the school said in a release Thursday afternoon

John Raby of the AP:

From the 75 lives lost in the worst sports disaster in U.S. history, the program slowly rebuilt and eventually triumphed. A half-century later, those who lived through the tragedy โ€” some by happenstance, others by fateful decisions that seemed mundane at the time โ€” marvel as they recall the feeling that they had to keep playing.

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